

What’s new at Mercy College

Youngstown Men in Nursing Participate in Mahoning Valley's Movember Prostate Cancer Awareness

On November 2, Youngstown location participating students attended the Movember Kickoff event clean shaven ready to "grow a 'stache, start a conversation, and save a life." Students will continue to participate in month long awareness activities to show their support and promote education for men in the Mahoning Valley to “Man Up and Get an Exam” to end the area's most prevalent cancer.

Activities included volunteering at ManUp Night at the November 6 Phantom's hockey game handing out pamphlets and arm bands as well as selling 50/50 raffle tickets. All proceeds went to the campaign to fund 35 prostate screenings for those who cannot afford screenings.

At the end of the campaign students will join other men in the community for the “Shave Off” which includes a televised traditional straight razor barber’s shave. “Even the girls are in!” showing their support participating in events and handing out information. 

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Mercy College Participates in Go RED for Women Luncheon

On Friday, November 13 eight Mercy College of Ohio Cardiovascular Technology program students and faculty members volunteered at the Go RED for Women luncheon hosted by the American Heart Association. Students and faculty members helped with set-up and in various areas throughout the venue including the Big RED Chair. This is a fun photo opportunity for the luncheon guests (and the students usually manage to talk the photographer into taking their picture, too). This has become an annual event for the CVT program with students and faculty looking forward to participating next year.

Mercy College of Ohio is proud to volunteer at an event and for a cause consistently supported by Mercy Health. 

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Halloween Isn't All About Candy

On October 28, members of the Gamma Delta chapter of Alpha Delta Nu, participated in the Mercy College “Trunk or Treat” event. Students showed children healthy Halloween treats and how to care for their teeth. Kids were given treats such as pumpkin faced clementines and mummy wrapped bananas to promote the Halloween spirit. Students wanted the snacks to be fun and healthy and they spoke to children about the importance of brushing and flossing, especially after eating Halloween candy. Children were given new toothbrushes and floss to ensure they had the tools they needed to get the job done. Jacob (pictured) enjoyed visiting the table. He received dental floss and a new toothbrush and learned how to properly brush. Carrie Franks mentions, “the student nurses made brushing fun, motivating Jacob to brush his teeth. Thank you!”

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Mercy College Student Health Coverage: Overview, Rates and Waiver Information

Mercy College of Ohio strongly believes it is important that all students maintain health care coverage to help ensure academic success and well-being. In addition, to be in compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all individuals are required by law to have health insurance coverage. To assist with this goal, Mercy College of Ohio is again offering our Student Health Coverage Plan provided by United Health Care (UHC). We believe this plan provides excellent levels of health coverage with low out-of-pocket costs when compared to other plans offered commercially or through the ACA website.

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Higher Learning Commission Site Visit: Third Party Comments

Mercy College of Ohio is seeking comments from the public about the college in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The College will host a Higher Learning Commission site visit team November 2 and 3, 2015. Mercy College of Ohio has been accredited by the Commission since 1995 and has a campus in Toledo, Ohio and a location in Youngstown, Ohio. The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation. 

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Financial Aid announcement

We are pleased to announce that Sarah Robarge has been promoted to the new role of Financial Aid Officer.  Sarah has been the part-time Financial Aid Secretary for over four years and recently completed her BA degree in May 2014.  Please congratulate Sarah on her new role.

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