Testing Center
Jump to related linksThe Testing Center works with faculty and students to provide the highest standard of excellence in test proctoring services. Our Testing Center adheres to the NCTA (National College Testing Association's) professional standards and guidelines for test proctoring.
Testing Center Services
- Tests for students with assigned accommodations*
- Make up exams/quizzes
- Placement Tests
- Verification of Distance Education External Proctors
Testing Center Hours
Testing Center
- Email Address: testingcenter@mercycollege.edu
- Phone Number: 419-251-2106
- Toll Free Phone Number: 1-888-80-MERCY Toll Free
- Location: Fifth floor Madison (M5802)
- Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fridays: 8 a.m. to Noon, Closed Saturday and Sunday
Students are responsible for scheduling test appointments. The Testing Center requires 48 hours (2 business days) advance notice. A valid ID must be provided to receive testing (Student ID Badges accepted). Security cameras are also used to assist in the monitoring of testing areas.

For Students - Make your Appointment with the Testing Center
TEAS testing for Nursing Majors is not provided through the Testing Center. Please refer to your instructions for specific dates and times or contact your Program Director.
Students can schedule test appointments in the following ways:
- Stop by the Testing Center to schedule an appointment
- Filling out the online form below
- Call the Testing Center at 419-251-2106
- Email the Testing Center at mercycollege-testing-center@mercycollege.edu
To request a required exam proctor for an online (Distance Education) course, please contact the Testing Center at the information noted above for assistance.
Testing with Accommodations
Students who require accommodations must notify the Testing Center when scheduling appointments, and must provide a copy of their Accommodations Notification letter prior to their test appointment date so that arrangements can be made in advance.
For assistance with accommodations, please contact:
Office of Accessibility Services
- Email Address: ADA504@mercycollege.edu
- Phone Number: 419-251-1784
- Toll Free Phone Number: 1-888-80-MERCY Toll Free
- Hours: Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (M-F)
For Faculty - Submit a Testing Center Instruction Form/Exam
Please use the link below to submit an exam to the Testing Center. Tests should be submitted a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the test date. Testing materials can be attached electronically to the form submission or can be emailed to the Testing Center. Tests and instructions can also be dropped off at the Testing Center during office hours.
Please contact the Testing Center at the information above for any questions and/or assistance with test submissions.