Directions to Mercy College
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Directions from the North:
I-75 south to exit 202-B (Collingwood Blvd.) Turn left onto Collingwood; follow Mercy College signs and veer toward the right (23rd street). Turn on Jefferson Avenue and proceed one block and park in the parking structure on your left (parking structure is located in front of the Mercy Healthcare Center).
Directions from the South:
I-75 north to exit 201-A (Collingwood Blvd.) Turn left onto Collingwood; follow Mercy College signs and veer towards the right (23rd street). Turn on Jefferson Avenue and proceed one block and park in the parking structure on your left (parking structure is located in front of the Mercy Healthcare Center).
Directions from the East:
I-90 west (Ohio Turnpike) to exit 4A at I-75; north on I-75 to exit 202-B (Collingwood Blvd.) Turn left onto Collingwood; follow Mercy College signs and veer towards the right (23rd street). Turn on Jefferson Avenue and proceed one block and park in the parking structure on your left (parking structure is located in front of the Mercy Healthcare Center).
Directions from the West:
I-80/90 east (Ohio and Indiana Turnpikes) to exit 4A at I-75; north on I-75 to exit 202-B (Collingwood Blvd.) Turn left onto Collingwood; follow Mercy College signs and veer towards the right (23rd street). Turn on Jefferson Avenue and proceed one block and park in the parking structure on your left (parking structure is located in front of the Mercy Healthcare Center).
There are multiple parking options at Mercy College. A parking map is available below.
Document .pdfToledo Campus Parking and Campus Map