Quentin Moore Appointed to National Committee on Patient Shielding and Co-Published Radiation Safety Study
Quentin Moore, PhD, MPH, R.T. (R) (T) (QM), Associate Professor, Program Director, Imaging Sciences & Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging at Mercy College, co-published a study on variables that support radiation safety decision-making in medical imaging. The study, titled Intrapersonal and Institutional Influences on Overall Perception of Radiation Safety Among Radiologic Technologists provides findings to support radiation safety culture decision-making in medical imaging, particularly for shift length considerations.
Dr. Moore also serves on the Communicating Advances in Radiation Education for Shielding (CARES) committee for the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). The purpose of this committee is to examine patient gonadal and fetal shielding in radiology. It was developed due to the AAPM’s statement in 2019, which outlined reasons for limiting the routine use of shielding in medical imaging. The committee includes members from over 14 professional organizations around the globe, representing medical and health physicists; radiologic technologists and organizations that oversee educational programs for radiologic technologists; radiologists; and state regulators.
Dr. Moore is a 2008 Mercy College graduate of the Radiologic Technology Program. He resides in Haskins, Ohio with his wife and three daughters.
Congratulations Dr. Moore and thank you for your service to the field of Imaging and Radiologic Sciences!
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