
RAVE Alert System

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Mercy College of Ohio has partnered with RAVE Wireless to provide an emergency alert system capable of delivering messages to your Mercy College and personal email addresses, as well as your land line and cell phone. Current students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the Mercy College alert system.

The College will be open for classes and/or clinical experience according to the class schedule unless an emergency or inclement weather warrants closing the College or postponing the beginning of the class and/or clinical experience time. If any of these situations arise, the College will notify students via the RAVE alert system, social media, and the College website. Local radio and television stations with a closing or delay announcement will be contacted.

Connect to RAVE now

Note: Your username for the RAVE alert system login page noted above is your Mercy College email address.

  • Document .pdfRave Alert System User Guide

    Document provides a step by step process overview for updating any key device specific information in the RAVE Alert system including password, mobile phone, land line, and email addresses.

