Assessment of Student Learning
Jump to related linksMercy College assesses student learning outcomes through a variety of methods linked to coursework and aligned with course assignments including testing, journals, reflections, written work, oral presentations, and participation in co-curricular activities. Rubrics are used as a tool for assessment of the assigned work. The data gained from the assessment rubrics provides information regarding the achievement of the learning outcomes.
Assessment of student learning is completed at the following levels: course, programmatic, and institutional. Assessment of student learning provides quantitative and qualitative data for measurement of student achievement. The assessment process produces information supporting data-driven decisions for overall curricular improvement.
Assessment activities are conducted from the time a student enters the College until the time they complete, graduate, transfer, or are otherwise not retained, such as post-graduation surveys. The process flow of assessment is as follows: Identification of Learning Outcomes, Assessment of Learning Outcomes, Data Collection and Analysis, Recommendations, and Implementation of Continual Curricular/Co-curricular Improvements. Overall assessment is part of the institutional effectiveness at the College.
Mercy College Institutional Goals and Learning Outcomes
Students who graduate/complete programs from Mercy College of Ohio will be prepared to lead and to serve in the global community as evidenced by the integration of the Mercy College values in general education and academic program requirements. The institutional learning outcomes for students will lead to graduates/completers who:
Are committed to social engagement, by demonstrating an understanding of servant leadership that improves the community and broader society.
To achieve this goal, students will:
- Level 1 (Knowledge/Comprehension): Describe how one’s specific course/program of study contributes to community and society.
- Level 2 (Application/Analysis): Complete a service learning activity that benefits an organization/community.
- Level 3 (Synthesis/Evaluation): Demonstrate an understanding of a complex community or societal problem that impacts one’s own life or the lives of others.
Are committed to intellectual inquiry, able to identify, evaluate, and propose solutions to problems in creative ways. To achieve this goal, students will:
- Level 1 (Knowledge/Comprehension): Identify and explain problems/issues.
- Level 2 (Application/Analysis): Participate in the problem-solving process to address a simple problem using appropriate sources.
- Level 3 (Synthesis/Evaluation): Participate in the problem-solving process to identify multiple solutions to a complicated or complex problem using appropriate sources.
Are effective communicators, able to write, speak, and listen as a professional. To achieve this goal, students will:
- Level 1 (Knowledge/Comprehension): Demonstrate appropriate use of the vocabulary of one's specific course/program of study.
- Level 2 (Application/Analysis): Present organized ideas through the various communication media in an understandable way to a designated audience.
- Level 3 (Synthesis/Evaluation): Critically evaluate information and sources used for written work and presentations.
Are proficient with ethical reasoning, using the lens of the Mercy Values as part of one’s everyday decision-making process. To achieve this goal, students will:
- Level 1 (Knowledge/Comprehension): Express Mercy’s Values when communicating with others.
- Level 2 (Application/Analysis): Explain the significance of the Mercy College Values in a course/program of study.
- Level 3 (Synthesis/Evaluation): Defend ethical decisions made using Mercy College Values.
Are professionally competent, displaying the capacity to successfully join the workforce in one’s desired course/program of study upon graduating. To achieve this goal, students will:
- Level 1 (Knowledge/Comprehension): Demonstrate proficiency in the performance of general responsibilities required of entry-level employees in their program of study.
- Level 2 (Application/Analysis): Operate in a manner that safely contributes to the effectiveness of teams.
- Level 3 (Synthesis/Evaluation): Evaluate the performance of professionals in the course/program of study.
Are committed to lifelong learning, exhibiting responsibility for the future of one’s own educational experience. To achieve this goal, students will:
- Level 1 (Knowledge/Comprehension): Describe one’s own professional requirements.
- Level 2 (Application/Analysis): Demonstrate the ability to set professional goals that support lifelong productivity.
- Level 3 (Synthesis/Evaluation): Develop an action plan for future growth and development.
Program Learning Outcomes
Each program's individual Program Learning Outcomes are viewable on the program's academic page.
Mercy College Assessment Committee
The Academic Assessment Committee and Co-Curricular Assessment committees report the work completed in each individual committee to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee through an annual report.