Mu Epsilon Nu (MEN) Chapter of American Assembly for Men in Nursing
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To shape the practice, education, research, and leadership for men in nursing and advance men’s health.
Membership is open to any nurse - male or female - to better facilitate discussion and to meet the most important objective of AAMN – strengthening and humanizing health care.
- Encourage men to enter the nursing profession
- Support current male Nursing Students and Professionals
- Advocate for increased enrollment of men in higher education nursing programs (Man Enough: The 20 x 20 Choose Nursing Campaign)
- Support members of the Mercy College Chapter of the American Assembly of Men in Nursing
- Assist Admissions in the recruitment men into the Nursing Programs at Mercy College of Ohio
- Establish programs and events to allow current male nurses to serve as mentors to current male nursing students at Mercy College
- Give back to the local community by participating in hands-on service projects including Habitat for Humanity, Veterans Administration, Cherry Street Mission and Ministry
Questions? Contact Gail Lis.
Gail Lis, DNP, ACNP-BC : Professor, Dean of Nursing
- phone icon 419-251-8686
- mail icon
- location icon M3510