
Open House Schedule

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Open House Schedule

Mercy College is currently hosting online information sessions.

These events provide a great opportunity to learn more about the array of healthcare programs available, important dates, and the application process. Learn more about these events below.

Online Information Sessions

Online Information Sessions

Learn more about the wide array of options at a Healthcare Worker Wednesday online information session.

Learn More

alert Submission Failed

Uh oh! We were unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later or contact our admissions office.

check Success!

We've received your request for more information and are excited to share with you all that Mercy College has to offer.

signpost Plan Your Journey

stethoscope Nursing

You indicated interest in a Master of Science Degree in Nursing. Here is a follow-up question about that program.

stethoscope Nursing

You indicated interest in Nursing. Here are a couple follow-up questions about that program.

atom Medical Imaging

You indicated interest in Medical Imaging. Here are a couple follow-up questions about that program.

femaleuser Tell Us About Yourself

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Please enter your last name.
Please select a date of birth.

envelope Contact Information

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Please enter your street address.
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