
TEAS Testing

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Mercy College of Ohio requires all admitted nursing students to complete the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) test that measures basic knowledge related to math, science, reading, English, and language usage at a 12th-grade level.

The TEAS must be completed before the first nursing course (NUR 110 for AASN students and NUR 256 for BSN students). Students will have one opportunity to complete this test.

Upon completing the exam, students will be provided a score summary for each section (Math, Science, Reading, English, and Language). A score of Developmental or Basic in the math, Reading, English, and Language usage categories will require remediation activities before progression in the nursing program can occur. If remediation is necessary, students will be required to complete remediation activities no later than the end of the first semester of the nursing program.

Please note: You can begin nursing courses even if you do not meet the required benchmark score. The remediation activities are planned so that there is no interruption in your program.

Preparing for the Exam

Preparing for the exam is not necessary. There are resources available for free that provide an overview of the test and test questions. Many fee-based resources are also available if you would like a more detailed/in-depth review.

Free Resources:

  • External LinkStraight A Nursing Student

    Visit Link
  • External LinkMometrix TEAS Test Preparation

    Visit Link
  • External LinkFree ATI TEAS Practice Test

    Visit Link

Frequently Asked Questions

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) test measures basic knowledge related to math, science, reading, English and language usage at a 12th grade level.

You do not need to prepare for the test, but if you would like to know the format and the question types, there are free resources listed above on this page.

You must cancel your scheduled appointment at least 24 hours in advance by emailing Denise Kohler at Canceling without sufficient notice or failure to show up at your scheduled test time will result in you being assessed a fee of $70.00

The TEAS test will be administered at Mercy College of Ohio. You will receive an email prior to your test date indicating the classroom that you are to report to. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam.

The test will take approximately four (4) hours to complete.

You will be able to access their test scores via the ATI website.

Your score on each of the sections will determine if remediation may be necessary. A score in Developmental or Basic categories will require you to complete remediation activities before further progression will be allowed in the nursing program.

These remediation sessions will be offered throughout the first semester and are formatted to enhance areas of study that may need improvement and will not cause an additional burden to your schedule. Some remediation sessions may be incorporated into current coursework. Failure to attend the required remediation session(s) will prevent you from progressing to the next course in the nursing program.

Questions Regarding the TEAS Test

Associate Degree Nursing Programs

Karla Carver

Karla Carver, EdD, MSN, RN : Assistant Professor, Associate Degree Nursing Program Director

Bachelor's Degree Programs

Jamie Tooman

Jamie Tooman, MSN, RN : Assistant Professor, Bachelor Degree Nursing Program Director