
Textbook Orders

Mercy College of Ohio offers an online bookstore. Instructions for ordering are listed below and are included in a convenient printable file on this page.

Visit the Online Bookstore

How to Use the Bookstore

  1. Go to ECampus at:
  2. Select Textbooks or Shop by Courses.
  3. Select the Term.
  4. Select your Course(s) and select Find Materials for Course.
  5. Select the items to be purchased and select Add Item to Cart.
  6. Review your order and select Proceed to Checkout.
  7. Sign In to your account or Create Account to check out. If you are using Financial Aid or Tuition Assistance (Guild) use the book voucher option.

Book Vouchers

What are book vouchers?

All students can purchase their class materials through eCampus with a book voucher. The cost will either be applied to your approved financial aid or Guild Funds. If you do not have financial aid the cost for the book purchase will be added to your bill.

How do book vouchers work?

When you select Book voucher, Mercy College will include the charges on your student bill for the amount purchased (i.e., $399.57). By selecting Book voucher you acknowledge financial responsibility for any amount purchased and will make payment, or have adequate financial aid scheduled to cover any charges, in accordance with school deadlines. Book vouchers are an option only with eCampus.

Your book voucher is semester specific, and you will be issued a new voucher each semester. You will not be able to order books using your book voucher after the expiration date. If you are starting a course for the 2nd half of the semester and are planning to use your Financial Aid or GUILD tuition assistance to pay for your books, you will need to order your books before your credit expires on the deadline.

Book Voucher Deadlines

Summer 2025: May 22, 2025

Fall 2025: September 11, 2025

You will still be able to order books after the expiration date, however, you will not have the option of using Financial Aid or GUILD tuition assistance to pay for your order. You will need to use another payment method, such as a credit/debit card to complete your order.

If you have any questions about ordering your books, please call:
Ecampus Customer Service Phone: 859-209-6958

Mercy College of Ohio Bookstore Contact:

Printable Book Ordering Instructions

For those who use the Financial Aid Voucher, the bill for your books will be sent to the Business Office Manager and she will add the book charge to your tuition bill. Please contact: