
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

March 8, 2022

What's Happening in Admissions

Events being held in Admissions this week include:

  • HS Counselor Virtual Breakfast: 31 RSVPS
  • Healthcare Worker Wednesday: 125 RSVPs

Looking ahead:

Upcoming On-Campus Information Sessions:

  • Rad Tech and BSN: next week
  • Biology, ASN, ABSN, Certificate programs: later this month

Also, we are busy with recruitment events in the community as well. We will have representatives at the following events:

  • College and Career Preview Night
  • Hancock County College Night
  • Northwest Community College Fair
  • Toledo Area West College Night
  • College and Career Preview Night at Owens CC
  • Wood County Career Premiere (Attending with Mercy Health)

Lastly, all admission officers will start an 8-week virtual workshop for the “Emerging Leaders Program Professional Certificate” through the National Association for College Admission Counseling. Some of the workshop topics include data analytics, serving diverse students, college admission ethics, and how students pay for college.

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu

Here For Good Sale

Submitted by Denise Hudgin

Screen Shot 2022 03 07 at 9 08 26 PM

Mercy College is participating in the Jupmode Here For Good Sale March 15 - 31. This year's sale includes both a t-shirt and a sweatshirt and all proceeds will support Mercy students. Look for details next week!

Treat Yourself While Raising Money for Student Scholarships!

Submitted by Hannah Bohn

Nut sale fundraiser

The Alumni Association and Auxiliary are hosting numerous fundraisers, volunteer and social events in the coming months which you are encouraged to support.

➤ A Nutman Sale will be held at the Toledo campus on March 8 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and March 9 from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

➤ Volunteering with the Alumni Association will take place at the Huntington Center in Toledo on April 3 for the Walleye Game and on April 20 for the Chris Stapleton concert. Sign up to volunteer!

➤ The Auxiliary Spring Luncheon will take place on April 5 at 11 a.m. at The Hilton Garden Inn Perrysburg. Debra Reis, MSN, RN, CNP will be welcomed as a guest speaker. See the flyer for additional information.

➤ A fundraiser is being held at BJ’s Restaurant and Bar on April 7 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Use promo code APR847 for online orders or dine in and show the flyer.

➤ An ongoing fundraiser is taking place with RADA Cutlery. Visit – Under organization- type Mercy, Mercy College Auxiliary should come up, select and proceed with placing your order. See the flyer for additional information.

Reminder: Volunteer for the Water stop for the Glass City Marathon!!

2022 GCM 45th logo icon

Mercy College will again have the Water Stop for the Glass City Marathon in Wildwood Metro Park on Sunday, April 24. We are in need of volunteers to pass water to the Marathon runners. This water stop receives the marathon runners twice during the race, Mile 12 and Mile 21.2! It is a fun and rewarding way to spend a Sunday morning!

To volunteer you must register by March 25, 2022 at the following link:

Click on Volunteer tab at the top of the page
Click on Find your category
Select Water Stops – Sunday, April 24
Scroll down the page to the Water stop labeled 12/21.2 Mile – Full Mercy

If first-time volunteer follow the process – If a returning volunteer use the button at the top right of the page to log in and register.

Questions, please contact Lori Edgeworth at 419-251-1614 or! Thanks for your willingness to participate and volunteer your time for the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon!


Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.

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