March 18, 2019
Academic Affairs Updates
Greetings Faculty and Staff Colleagues,
On behalf of Academic Affairs, I offer the following highlights/updates for your perusal.
Please contact me, the Dean, or Director listed below if you have questions or comments.
We will also be available during the College Assembly at 11:00 a.m., Monday, March 18, 2019.
Dr. Trevor M. Bates - Vice President of Academic Affairs
Health Sciences Division - Dr. Kimberly Watson - Dean
- Health Information Technology program has a CAHIIM site visit in June 2019
- Financial Aid is now available for the Women’s Health Imaging & Imaging Quality and Safety Certificate Programs
- An updated X-ray room is fully installed/functioning; job completed 2/28
- Space is being evaluated on the 4th and 6th floors of Madison for the Physician Assistant Studies Program
Nursing Division - Dr. Elizabeth Sprunk - Dean
- HRSA Grant – $1.2 million
- NEGP Grant – $200,000
- MSN - Nurse Educator track being developed
- BSN - curriculum updated and now 8 semesters in length
- ABSN - Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program being developed (~15-month program)
- Considering additional clinical sites in Lima and other areas
Arts and Sciences Division - Dr. Barbara Stoos - Dean
- Faculty were invited to present at the new Mercy Explorers Post program aimed at exposing students to health professions.
- SciFri was in late February and included 30+ families, several students have applied and been accepted to Mercy College.
Library - Ms. Deborah Johnson - Director
- Faculty and staff can have access to subscribe to the digital version of the Chronicle of Higher Education and Teaching Professor.
- Thousands of journals are available online through the Electronic Journal Center and within the various databases.
- Faculty and students can enjoy the offerings in FILMS ON DEMAND, which is available on the Library Proxy Page.
- Stop by and take a look, journals and shelving were removed and replaced by large tables for students.
- Computers were added to Study Rooms B and C.
Distance Education - Dr. Daniel French - Director
- Mercy Teaching and Learning Center (online teaching resources aka MTaLC) includes 63 Training Modules/Videos, all Faculty are currently enrolled
- New Full-time and Adjunct Faculty will complete 5 Modules/Videos on Instructor Essentials during orientation.
Student Records - Mr. Mark McKellip - Registrar & Director
- Faculty are reminded to be diligent in provided requested feedback regarding first-week attendance for second 8-week courses
Mercy Café Menu
Submitted by Steve Joyce
Mercy College Leads the Region in Grad Salaries
As featured in The Blade, Mercy College graduates earn the eighth-highest salary in the state and boast the region's highest return on investment. Read more.
News from the Information Technology Team
Submitted by Dave Burgin
Empower Me had a successful upgrade performed on Monday, March 4 which provided a new look and feel to the system. The look has been updated to be more fresh and modern which includes updated pictures. Many functions have been updated to include more capabilities for students but keeping the same format for screens to make it easy to use. We hope you enjoy the new look and please let us know if you experience any issues.
Mark Your Calendar: Radiologic Technology Student Poster Presentations
Submitted by Cindy Miller
For the first time, students in the Radiologic Technology Program will be preparing and presenting posters as the final project in their Radiation Biology and Protection course (RAD 215). These students will graduate in August but will be participating in the Commencement ceremony in May. The content of their posters ranges from Background Radiation to Chernobyl and radiation effects of that nuclear power plant disaster, and many other radiation-based topics in between. Mercy College students, faculty and staff are invited. It will have the feel of a Science Fair, where you can browse the topics and ask students questions as you wish. Instructors will be circulating and grading during this time, but there will be no formal presentations to visitors - just informal conversation about everything you ever wanted to know about radiation but were afraid to ask.
Save the date! The Poster Presentations will be on Tuesday, April 30 beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at approximately 11:30 a.m. in the Radiologic Technology Lab on the 2nd floor of the Jefferson building.
Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College
Mercy Café Menu - see above
News from the Information Technology Team - see above
Mark Your Calendar: Radiologic Technology Student Poster Presentations - see above
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