January 26, 2021
What's Happening in Student Affairs
January/February 2021
February is Black History Month
“Life is not a spectator sport. If you are going to spend your whole life in the grandstands just watching what goes on, in my opinion you are wasting your life!” (Jackie Roosevelt Robinson, 1949)
- Campus Resources - students, faculty & staff in dealing with recent racial and social injustice events
A. Counseling and Wellness - contact Suzanne Hall at (419) 251-1454 or suzanne.hall1@mercycollege.edu. In Youngstown, please contact Ann Bair at (330) 480-2874 or ann.bair@mercycollege.edu . Also, please access the Counseling & Wellness webpage or the Student Success folder on Canvas.
B. Campus Ministry and Pastoral Care - contact Annie Devine at (419) 251-1866, annie.devine@mercycollege.edu, or the Campus Ministry webpage.
C. Life Matters (Faculty & Staff) - call 877-692-7780 or text “Hello” to 61295. Additional information for Life Matters can be found on the Mercy Health Hub.
-Week of Wellness – Week of February 15th-19th, programming for faculty, staff & students addressing mental health awareness and resources.
Lenten Service – Planned for March, faculty & staff will have the opportunity to purchase prayer books.
E2E Advising – scheduling, note storing, and sharing software, will replace Appointment Plus, training conducted for use in summer or fall semester.
Retention & Student Success – Coordinating a collaborative effort involving admissions, advising, and faculty, with follow-up phone calls to students addressing college e-mail, Canvas, textbooks, campus life, etc.
- Mercy College Food Pantry – please access the Food Pantry webpage to see how you can contribute to the pantry and continue to serve our students in need.
- Journey to Success – 8 weeks, different success topic every week, delivered by Student Affairs staff. Check the Student Success Center module on Canvas for topics and times.
ALEKS – Math placement software, will replace Accuplacer, training is being conducted for use in fall semester.
- Director of Diversity & Inclusion search – Position has been re-posted, including HigherEdjobs.com and the Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Early Alert Form – If you have a student struggling academically, please utilize the Early Alert Form to initiate a collaborative and supportive approach to success. To access form, access link here: Early Alert Referral.
- Concern and Complaint Form – If you are aware of a student that is struggling outside of the classroom, please consider using the Concern and Complaint Form. For more details, please contact Deanna Vatan (419) 251-2133 or deanna.vatan1@mercycollege.edu OR Dr. Lisa Sancrant (419) 251-1454 or lisa.sancrant@mercycollege.edu. To access and complete the form, click here.
How would you respond to the questions below addressing equality & unity?
How can you follow Dr. King’s example and share his love?
What is your dream for equality in the coming year?
How can you help foster a culture of unity and equality in 2021?
If you have questions or comments regarding this information, or for the Division of Student Affairs, contact Marc Adkins, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students.
Marc Adkins, MEd, BS : Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students
- phone icon 419-251-1512
- mail icon marc.adkins@mercycollege.edu
- location icon M5807
Mercy Café Menu
Submitted by Steve Joyce
Retention - Early Alert Referral System (EARS)
Submitted by Kristen Porter
Don’t forget the best way to notify me of students who may need more support is through the Early Alert Referral System (EARS)!
The EAR is the best way to alert me to potential students at-risk for failure or withdrawing. Once an EAR is submitted, I work with the Student Success Center (Advisors, Tutors, and Counselors) to ensure support is provided to students. There are several reasons an EAR should be submitted for a student, such as:
- Missing class/lectures/labs
- Missing assignments
- Poor exam/quiz grades
- Sudden decline in participation/attendance
- Mental Health Concerns
- Financial problems
- College adjustment issues
- And many other concerns
For questions, please contact me at Kristen.porter1@mercycollege.edu.
Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.
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