December 15, 2020
Academic Affairs Updates
The Next 100 years!
Mercy College of Ohio recently celebrated its centennial anniversary and the work that began 100 years ago set the foundation for our success today. I offer encouragement and prayers to the leadership and campus community as you continue to lay the foundation for the future of Mercy College of Ohio. Every interaction, task, challenge, and success matters because it incrementally contributes to transformational change that will help the College prepare future graduates to lead and to serve in the global community. To the community, I offer the following challenge:
- Pick up the phone, schedule a zoom meeting, or email a colleague today who may or may not be surprised to learn about something you appreciate about them. To take it a little further, you may consider using your communication as the foundation for a future nomination for Recognition of Excellence 2021!
- New Academic Affairs Faculty & Staff
- Dr. Ken Ryalls will begin serving as the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty today!
- We are excited about all that he brings to the College and are fully committed to his successful transition. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Ryalls!
Academic Searches
Pending searches:
- Administrative Coordinator for Academic Affairs – the search will continue under the new VPAA/Dean of Faculty.
- Searches for positions in Nursing and Physician Assistant Studies are continuing or planned for 2021.
Assessment & Accreditation
- The College is awaiting final approval from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) to transition to a 15-week semester with 7-week sessions within each full semester and to add a new calendar for the MPAS program.
- In the coming weeks, the Division of Nursing will be sharing feedback it has received from the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) regarding their virtual BSN site visit in October 2020.
- Implementation of the new annual HLC review process continues to move forward with the use of MS Teams that will be used as a platform to review, update, and share information regarding changes to the College’s Assurance Argument for the next mid-cycle Reaffirmation of Accreditation review in 2023.
- Faculty Assembly
- Faculty Assembly welcomed Dr. Wajert for an update and Q & A at their November meeting.
- Faculty who are eligible to apply for rank promotion will work with the Faculty Advancement committee to submit materials for review.
- Faculty committees have partnered with the Office of Academic Affairs to support strategic and operational projects (see ASAP below).
- Academic Administration Projects
- The Academic Strategic Action Plan (ASAP) is an extension of the Office of Academic Affairs that has organized major projects into four task areas with assigned leadership to support the College’s Strategic Plan.
The four task areas are:
- Faculty Development & Governance Supports
- Student Education & Experience
- Program Efficiency and Revenue
- Institutional Quality Assessments
- Academic leadership submitted a detailed plan for on-campus teaching and learning activities that will be implemented beginning spring 2021 to continue to ensure the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff.
- Library Services
- Coming soon: The Mercy College Library is purchasing two new subscription databases, ClinicalKey and Ovid Nursing Full-text Plus. They will be available and integrated into the library website at the beginning of the Spring Semester.
- ClinicalKey includes full-text reference books and journals, drug information, videos, practice guidelines, customized patient education handouts, clinical calculators and more. This resource primarily supports the MPAS, Radiology, and Healthcare Administration but all programs will benefit from the subscription.
- Ovid Nursing Full text Plus is a collection of more than fifty scholarly and peer-reviewed journals in nursing and healthcare. Click here on the link to learn more about Ovid Nursing Full-text Plus.
- Visit the Mercy College Library to access all of the books, journals and tools available:
Please direct questions and/or comments about this sampling of updates to any of the Academic Deans.
Mercy Café Menu
Submitted by Steve Joyce
RADA Fundraiser Sale
Submitted by Hannah Bohn

The Mercy College Auxiliary is hosting an online fundraising sale with RADA Cutlery. 40% of the proceeds from each sale will be used by the Auxiliary to support the College. Visit and search for Mercy College Auxiliary. Shop online through Sunday, December 20.
The purpose of the Mercy College Auxiliary is to enhance the mission of the College through fundraising and volunteer services in support of a Christian learning environment. The Auxiliary has made significant contributions to Mercy College in the form of scholarships and purchasing needed material for learning.
Membership in the Mercy College Auxiliary is open to any interested person. More information is available on the Mercy College Auxiliary page.
AASN Students Complete Project For Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society
Submitted by Tom Voyles and Jennifer Barber
Click here to check out the amazing work that our Day and Evening AASN students put together for their Alpha Delta Nu Project this semester. They wanted to build off and present the evolution of COVID-19 over the past year.
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