
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

August 26, 2019

What's Happening in Student Affairs


-DASH Emergency Grant – Assisted 143 students with over $164,000 in funds. Awarding of funds runs out on August 25th!

-Pathways for Success – collaborating with Mercy Foundation to identify funds to increase award amount and students served.

-Maxient - confidential record-keeping/sharing software – implementation scheduled for September 2019.

-Smarthinking - 24/7 on-line tutoring software, available for all Mercy College undergraduate and graduate students.

-The 3rd annual Student Affairs retreat was held on Friday, June 28th at the Ward Pavilion. Various members of the Student Affairs staff lead activities for the day. Dr. Bates and Dr. Watson were guests and collaborated with the staff in preparation for the HLC visit in November.

- The following restructuring moves became effective on Monday, July 1st. These moves are part of the on-going division restructuring over the past two years that will provide a best-practices structure. This new structure will promote effective collaborations with faculty and staff, allow us to better serve our students, and enhance the college’s retention efforts.

• Kristen Porter (Career Development and Retention) – Report to Dr. Lisa Sancrant in the Student Success Center

• Annie DeVine (Campus Ministry and Service Learning) – Report to Deanna Vatan

• Lisa Sancrant – Title change: Assistant Dean of Student Success

• Deanna Vatan – Title change: Assistant Dean of Student Life

- The Student Affairs staff members listed below have relocated their offices.

• Kristen Porter – relocate to Madison 1703

• Suzanne Hall – relocate to Madison 5720

• Annie Devine – relocate to Madison 5706


-Christine Miller, has been collaborating with Dan French, Dave Burgin, and faculty to identify a vendor for external proctoring. Christine presented to faculty on August 13th with the possible vendors for selection.

-Christine Miller and Shelly Clark have been working to get the Testing Center certified through the National College Testing Center Association (NCTA). Expected date for this to be completed is Spring 2020.

-The Nursing Tutor positions, in Toledo and Youngstown, are posted and receiving applicants.

-The Mercy Mile Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 21st.

-The 3rd Annual Student Leader Retreat is scheduled for Friday, August 23rd at The Pines in Fremont.

-Exploration of a Mercy Experience course/requirement in the initial discussion phase, as Academic Affairs and Student Affairs will begin broader conversations in the Fall of 2019.

-The Campus Violence Prevention Committee has been working on two separate initiatives. It is targeted to have these initiatives completed by the beginning of the Fall semester.

• “Student” tag for ID badge – Toledo students (COMPLETED)

• Capability to make student ID badges – Youngstown location

-The Campus Violence Prevention Committee will conduct a table-top discussion, addressing emergency response, at the Faculty & Staff Professional Development days in August.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the information presented, or anything regarding the Division of Student Affairs, please do not hesitate to contact Marc Adkins, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Thank you!

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu
The Café will be closed August 30 and September 2 for Labor Day weekend! Have a safe and happy holiday!

Week of Welcome Relaxation Sessions

Submitted by Suzanne Hall

Start the school year off right by learning some simple relaxation strategies to use when stressed. 20-minute relaxation sessions will be offered on the Toledo campus during Week of Welcome. Attend as many sessions as you would like. These sessions are open to students, staff, and faculty.

Monday, August 26: 5:00-5:20 p.m, J3406
Tuesday, August 27: 5:00-5:20 p.m, J3406
Wednesday, August 28: 9:00-9:20 a.m., J3406
Thursday, August 29: 10:30-10:50 a.m., J3406

For more information, contact Counseling and Wellness Services or 419-251-1454.

Help for CastleBranch and Clinical Requirements Questions

Submitted by Janice Bernard

The beginning of a new semester always brings a flurry of student questions about CastleBranch and clinical health requirements! I am available to come to your class to answer student questions. Please contact me at if you would like to schedule. Students can also contact me directly at that email address. Have a great semester!

Fall 2019 Week of Welcome Schedule

Submitted by Deanna Vatan

The Fall 2019 Week of Welcome is underway!
Your assistance with spreading the word of all that is available to our students is much appreciated.

Visit the WOW website, or review the flyer, for schedule details.

From educational sessions to a mobile farm to a Toledo Mud Hens game to the third annual Campus Fest, numerous opportunities and a bountiful amount of information are available to students throughout the week.

As you end classes or even take a break during a class, your assistance with promoting events that may be happening at that time would be greatly appreciated. Better yet--consider joining your students at the events!

If you have questions about the Week of Welcome schedule, please contact Deanna Vatan, Assistant Dean of Student Life, at or 419-251-2133.

Thank you and have a great semester!

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above

Week of Welcome Relaxation Sessions - see above

Fall 2019 Week of Welcome Schedule - see above

Clinical students may be affected by Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test Shortage
submitted by Janice Bernard
Students requiring the TB 2-step or TB renewals should be aware that some locations are experiencing a shortage of the TB skin test. The TB requirement can also be met through the T-SPOT or QuantiFERON-TB Gold blood tests. If unable to schedule with the primary physician, students may need to contact other locations to check availability; refer to Resources for Obtaining Health Requirements under FAQs and Tips on the Mercy College website. Contact if you have questions about TB or other CastleBranch requirements.


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