April 22, 2019
What's Happening in Student Affairs - April 2019
New to the Division
-Please welcome: Annie Devine, Director of Campus Ministry and Service Learning and Kelly Seward, Nursing Tutor. Both started their respective positions on Monday, April 1!
-The DASH Emergency Grant – To date, assisted 130 students with over $140,000 in funds.
-Pathways for Success – Youngstown student, Chelsey Schraeder, received the award for the spring 2019 semester.
-Maxient - confidential record-keeping/sharing software – working on implementation!
-Smarthinking - 24/7 online tutoring software, available for all Mercy College undergraduate and graduate students.
-Retention software – looking to purchase later this summer. For additional information, please see Kristen Porter.
-Recognition of Excellence is scheduled for Friday, April 26 at the Toledo Zoo - For additional information please contact Deanna Vatan or Dr. Trevor Bates.
-Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting (April 5 – 9, 2019) - Dr. Bates, Dr. Watson, and Mr. Adkins presented: Student Success: Collaborations between Academic Affairs and Students Affairs.
-The Youngstown location has scheduled their SOAR dates for the spring and summer: All dates are Fridays: June 14 & July 19.
-The 3rd Annual Alumni Weekend Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 21. More details to follow!
-The American Heart Association Heart Walk is scheduled for Saturday, May 18 at the Huntington Center - Mercy College will have a team! For additional information please contact Deanna Vatan.
-The 3rd Annual Student Leader Retreat is scheduled for Friday, August 23 at The Pines in Fremont. For additional information please contact Deanna Vatan.
-Youngstown location will be provided the capability of making their own student ID’s – will begin for fall 2019.
-Exploration of a Mercy Experience course/requirement in the initial discussion phase, as Academic Affairs and Student Affairs will begin a discussion in Summer 2019, updates to follow. Broader conversations will begin Fall of 2019.
-Sexual Assault Awareness Month is April and Wednesday, April 24 is Denim Day. Please wear Denim
for the day and show your support for a great cause! For additional information, please contact Leslie
-The annual Student Affairs Retreat will take place on Friday, June 28 at the Wildwood Pavilion (Toledo MetroParks). The focus will be on division assessment and planning for HLC. Special guests will be Dr. Trevor Bates and Dr. Kim Watson, sharing information on preparation for HLC.
Marc Adkins, MEd, BS : Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students
- phone icon 419-251-1512
- mail icon marc.adkins@mercycollege.edu
- location icon M5807
Mercy Café Menu
Submitted by Steve Joyce
Nurse Extern Hiring Event - Encourage Students to Attend
Full event details are below. Please share with your students and encourage eligible applicants to attend. Job offers will be given the day of the event.
Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center and Mercy Children's Hospital Nurse Extern Hiring Event
Meet Managers from Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center & Mercy Children's Hospital!
When: Tuesday, April 23, 9 a.m. - Noon and 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Where: Mercy College J3302 and 3rd-floor Lobby area
Who: Mercy College Students ONLY!
Bring multiple copies of your resume and be ready to interview!
*Job offers will be given the day of the event.*
Must be CPR certified and have completed one clinical nursing course & one clinical rotation/experience
Apply before the event at mercycollege.edu/extern. For more information or to RSVP, contact University Relations Specialist, Emily Hall at ehall@mercy.com or 419-250-4068.
Need resume help? Contact Kristen Porter at kristen.porter1@mercycollege.edu or 419-251-1339.
Poster Projects by Rad Tech Students - Open to All
Submitted by Cindy Miller
We would like to invite all students, faculty, and staff to browse through student poster presentations for the Radiation Biology and Protection course (RAD 215). These Rad Tech students, who will participate in Commencement in May and graduate in August, will be presenting the posters as their final project for the course. The content of their posters ranges from Background Radiation - to Chernobyl and radiation effects of that nuclear power plant disaster - and many other radiation-based topics in between! It will have the feel of a Science Fair, where you can browse the topics and ask students questions as you wish. Instructors will be roaming and grading during this time, but there will be no formal presentations to visitors - just informal conversation about everything you ever wanted to know about radiation but were afraid to ask.
The poster presentations will be on Tuesday, April 30 beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at approximately 10:30 a.m. in the Radiologic Technology Lab on the 2nd floor of the Jefferson building. Come visit us!
Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College
Mercy Café Menu - see above
Poster Projects by Rad Tech Students - see above
REMINDER: Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center and Mercy Children's Hospital Nurse Extern Hiring Event
Meet Managers from Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center & Mercy Children's Hospital!
When: Tuesday, April 23, 9 a.m. - Noon and 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Where: Mercy College J3302 and 3rd-floor Lobby area
Who: Mercy College Students ONLY!
Bring multiple copies of your resume and be ready to interview!
*Job offers will be given the day of the event.*
Must be CPR certified and have completed one clinical nursing course & one clinical rotation/experience
Apply before the event at mercycollege.edu/extern. For more information or to RSVP, contact University Relations Specialist, Emily Hall at ehall@mercy.com or 419-250-4068.
Need resume help? Contact Kristen Porter at kristen.porter1@mercycollege.edu or 419-251-1339.
Used Textbook Buyback
submitted by Beverly Miller
Mercy College and Matthews Medical Books have partnered to offer students the opportunity to sell their used textbooks on the Toledo campus and online. Matthews Medical Books will be on the Toledo campus to buy your used textbooks on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Jefferson Building 3rd floor lobby (across from the elevators)
The ONLINE BUY-BACK EVENT will begin April 29 and run through May 17.
Go to: www.mercyohbooks.com
Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.
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