

Please stay home and avoid contact with others!

Report to Mollie Harrison,, Covid-19 Student Health Nurse, by COVID Self-Report Form.

All students who travel outside of the United States must report such travel to the COVID-19 Student Health Nurse, Mollie Harrison by contacting her at International travel guidelines may require quarantine depending on current travel advisories.

For further information visit:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Information


If any of the following risk factors apply within the past 14 days, students must follow the protocol listed below:

  • Students are required to self-report to Covid-19 Student Health Nurse, Mollie Harrison immediately for any of the following:
    • Close contact with a person under investigation for COVID-19 while that person was ill.
    • Caring for a person under investigation for COVID-19 without proper use of all required PPE.
    • Close contact with an ill, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patient in the context of living with, being an intimate partner of, or caring for the person outside a health care facility.

*Students will be guided on the best way to safely proceed based on the circumstance and vaccination status, if they choose to disclose this information.

Prior to attending clinical/precepted experiences students will be required to complete the Castlebranch clinical requirements. Clinical sites may require additional forms, health information, temperature checks, masking protocols and other guidelines. Students should contact the program administrator with questions about their specific clinical requirements.

The College will send emails/update its website/RAVE alert if necessary.

Please email and an admissions officer will contact you.