September 12, 2023
Physician Assistant Program Celebrates Students' Milestones

There was much to celebrate for the Physician Assistant program on Fridays in August as students achieved milestones. On August 18, the first graduates (top photo) picked up their diplomas and celebrated with a reception.
On August 11, the second class of PA students (middle photo) marked the milestone of moving from classroom-based learning to the clinical year with a White Coat Ceremony followed by a reception with their families and the PA faculty and staff.
The donning of the white coat marks the students’ transition into the clinical phase of their education. It represents professionalism, compassion, and healing. As the Class of 2024 embarks on the clinical year, wearing their white coat is the first physical symbol of their journey to becoming a caring, patient-focused PA.
On August 25, the newest PA students (lower photo), who began in May, participated in a ceremony blessing their stethoscopes that was part of the students' welcome to the program and to the campus. The ceremony blessed the students and the patients they will serve. This first stethoscope is a milestone in every PA student's professional life and the journey they are beginning.
Pack to Impact Event: Heritage Week 10,000 Meals Initiative
Submitted by Gerald Cameron

Looking for a way to serve and give back to your community? Come and sign up to work a one-hour shift between classes at our campus meal packing event on September 19th. Our goal is to pack 10,000 meals for families in Toledo and Guatemala. We can only achieve this goal with your help. Please use the QR code in the flyer to register. Together, we can make a significant impact in providing meals to families.
Complete 2023 Mandatory Learning Courses by Nov. 1

Mandatory learning courses are now available to complete in Workday. All courses assigned to you must be completed by Nov. 1.
Your annual mandatory learning courses cover important compliance requirements and review critical topics, which empowers you to provide high-quality care and deliver an excellent patient experience.
Your mandatory learning courses are required for compliance – if you do not complete your assigned courses in Workday, you will receive corrective action up to and including termination. Being placed on final written warning will prevent you from being eligible for Merit, as well as future internal job transfers.
Please note, associates hired on or after Jan.1 have already completed their mandatory learning courses for the year.
Visit the Mandatory Learning page on BSMH Central to view the list of mandatory courses and for additional updates.
Accreditation site visit from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for the MSN program
Mercy College of Ohio, Division of Nursing, is preparing to host a continuing accreditation site visit from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for the Master of Science in Nursing program. The program contains a leadership and education track and also has a RN-MSN entry point. The accreditation visit is scheduled for October 11-13, 2023.
As part of this process, interested parties (students, alumni, faculty, and community stakeholders) are invited to submit written comments concerning Mercy College of Ohio, Master of Science in Nursing program qualifications for accreditation. Written and signed third party comments may be submitted up to September 20, 2023.
All third-party comments submitted to CCNE must be written in English, consistent with CCNE’s policy on conduct of Business in English. Any and all comments submitted to CCNE in a language other than English will not be processed. Third-party comments must be author identified (signed) in order to be shared with the evaluation team.
All comments should be directed to:
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Attn: Third-Party Comments
655 K Street, NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20001
Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.
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