October 21, 2019
Academic Affairs Updates
1. Active searches are in process for an Assoc. Registrar, Library Services Assistant, Physician Assistant Program Faculty and Staff, a Psychology faculty member, two Nursing faculty and a Religion faculty member.
1. HLC - Writing of the Assurance Argument is progressing well, the full argument will be submitted on October 21, 2019. All faculty and staff will have access to read and review the full argument thereafter.
2. Nearly 30% of Mercy College students completed the HLC Student Opinion Survey. Our average score was 4.3 / 5 on the 15 questions in the survey. Congratulations to all Faculty and Staff!
3. We are working with the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) and will have a site visit on January 15-17, 2020 for the developing MPAS program. Our goal is to obtain ODHE and HLC approval to submit in our report to the ARC-PA in March and preparation for a June site visit.
4. The Community Health Worker certificate program successfully completed a site visit with the ODHE on October 16, 2019. We expect a continuing approval letter from ODHE in Jan/Feb 2020.
5. The Division of Nursing is investigating an RN to MSN program.
6. The Division of Arts and Sciences is investigating marketing to attract students interested in pre-professional / pre-medical programming.
7. The Division of Health Sciences is investigating several new program options.
1. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee has recently met with the VPAA to discuss updated curriculum forms and review the Institutional Goals and Learning Outcomes.
2. Undergraduate Academic Policies Committee will begin working with the VPAA on becoming more directly involved in the institutional review of academic policies.
3. Faculty Development Committee has invited a guest to speak on Service Animals. Faculty, staff, and adjuncts are invited to attend.
4. Executive Committee of Faculty Assembly is collaborating to collaboratively work with Academic Council to strengthen:
- - a. Autonomy, Accessibility, and Accountability for Faculty
- - b. Shared Governance: Past, Present, and Future
5. Academic Assessment Committee is working on plans to improve assessment processes for the Institutional Goals in collaboration with the Director of Distance Education and Teaching Resources.
1. The College Catalog is available on the website at: https://mercycollege.edu/academics/college-catalog
2. The final copy of the Faculty and Staff Handbook will be released the week of October 21, 2019.
1. Enhancing Interprofessional Education and Simulation opportunities
2. Course Cross Listing and Scheduling Improvement Processes
3. Mercy College Hiring and Onboarding Guide will be made available via SharePoint
4. Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence development/investigation – co-led by Becki Daniels and Dan French.
5. Mercy Experience Graduation Requirement Investigation
6. Integrated Software to connect College documents (Catalog, Handbooks, etc.) and Website Investigation
7. Improving Clinical and Academic Affiliation Agreement Development and Maintenance processes
8. Development of an Academic Success Plan to replace the old Learning Contract
Please contact me with any questions.
Mercy Café Menu
Compliance Corner- New BSMH Code of Conduct
Submitted by Leslie Erwin
Bon Secours Mercy Health has published a new Code of Conduct which is available on the Hub: https://hub.health-partners.org/Shared%20Documents/BSMH%20Code%20of%20Conduct%20Booklet.pdf. It can be found under Employee Quick Links, and it is titled, "BSMH Code of Conduct". There is a ton of information and resources available in this document. Questions should be directed to the Director of Compliance and Risk Management, Leslie Erwin, at 419-251-1710 or leslie.erwin@mercycollege.edu, or Angie Nowak, HR Director, at 419-251-4661 or ANowak1@mercy.com.
Mercy College Food Pantry Open House
Submitted by Annie Devine
The Mercy College Food Pantry on the Toledo campus is having its Opening Day on Wednesday, October 23. Please join us for a Blessing of the Food Pantry at 1:00 p.m. We will also be hosting an Open House at the food pantry from 1:00-4:00 p.m. on the same day--stop by Madison 5812 for a snack and to get more information about this free service for students, faculty and staff in need of food assistance. For more info, send an email to foodpantry@mercycollege.edu or view the flyer: Food Pantry Open House.
Spring 2020 Textbook Adoption Due Date: November 1, 2019
Submitted by Beverly Miller
Dear Faculty,
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Textbook Provision compliance-monitoring deadline for Spring 2020 semester is Friday, November 1, 2019.
A FACULTY TEXTBOOK ADOPTION FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EVERY COURSE BY THIS DEADLINE. If you plan to forgo any textbooks for a course, you must complete the form and indicate that no textbook is required by clicking the “Submit with No Books Required” button.
The link to the adoption form is included below.
Username is: mercyoh
Password is: mercyoh
Please contact your division’s Administrative Specialist for assistance and our Matthews Books representative, Ashley White at ashleyw@matthewsbooks.com with any textbook questions and concerns.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we comply with the HEOA.
Academic Affairs
Tent City Donations Update
Submitted by Judy Dudley
On behalf of 1Matters and the Mercy Health Mission Committee, we would like to thank all who donated items for this year's Tent City. This year, we collected over 2000 items! Due to your generosity, the Mission Committee was able to assemble 100 complete hygiene kits. Each hygiene kit includes shampoo/body wash, a toothbrush (with holder), toothpaste, five razors, petroleum jelly, deodorant, two washcloths, and two combs. Using the extra items and donations from other area agencies, 1Matters will assemble additional kits. Volunteers distributed all hygiene kits to those in need during the 2019 Tent City event in downtown Toledo over the October 18-20 weekend.
Your continued support is very much appreciated!
Thank you,
Judy Dudley and Annie Devine
Send a message to Dr. Wajert using the following CEO-Gram link: http://intranetapps.health-partners.org/EmailForms/Toledo/CEOgramMercyCollege.aspx
Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College
Mercy Café Menu - see above
Mercy College Food Pantry Open House - see above
Tent City Donations Update - see above
Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.
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