October 15, 2024
The Inauguration of Mercy College's Fifth President, Dr. Trevor M. Bates
Last week was a time of celebration at the College with the inauguration for Dr. Bates as our fifth president.
Join Us for Bystander Intervention Training!
Submitted by Stacey Brown
Please join the Title IX Office and Counseling and Wellness Services for the inaugural sessions of our new bystander intervention training program, Green Dot. Green Dot training teachers our campus how to recognize "red dots," or incidents of violence, and how to respond with "green dots," or actions that promote safety and intolerance for violence. Our initial sessions will be held for faculty and staff, with sessions for students commencing in Spring 2025.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our two sessions this semester:
Wednesday, 10/23/2024 from 2:30 - 4 p.m. in J3302 (refreshments will be provided)
Monday, 11/4/2024 from 2:30 - 4 p.m. virtual (Zoom link will be sent to registrants)
Spotlight on Well-Being: Occupational Wellness
Submitted by Suzanne Hall
The Staff Council Wellness Committee will be highlighting different aspects of well-being every month throughout the school year. In October, we are focusing on occupational wellness.
Occupational wellness is being satisfied and fulfilled by your work. Developing occupational satisfaction and wellness is strongly related to your attitude about your work. Because we spend so much time working each week, it's critical that this time is productive, satisfying, and healthy. Increasing occupational wellness can help reduce burnout.
Assess your occupational well-being by considering how often/ well you:
- Take advantage of opportunities to learn new skills that can enhance current and future employment opportunities.
- Are able to balance work with other aspects of your life.
- Strive to develop good work habits (dependability, initiative, etc.).
- Have goals and find purpose in what you are doing that inspires and challenges you.
- Know where to find employment opportunities (job service, online, etc.)
- Are able to communicate and collaborate effectively with coworkers.
- Value constructive feedback/ criticism and use it to improve your skills and performance.
- Have confidence in your job search skill (resume writing, interviewing, cover letters, networking, etc.).
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Submitted by Stacey Brown
Please consider joining the Title IX Office and Counseling and Wellness Services for our week of programming to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month, highlighting our theme of #putthenailinit. We will have activities throughout the week, including a resource table with nail painting and a prevention pledge, the Silent Witness Project, and our Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training for faculty and staff.
We also encourage faculty and staff to wear purple on these days as the official color of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Thank you for supporting this programming and helping us to #putthenailinit when it comes to domestic violence.
Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.
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