
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

November 4, 2019

What's Happening in Student Affairs

-The Mercy College Day of Service was held on Tuesday, October 22. Approximately 90 faculty and staff volunteered their time to provide service to local businesses and non-profit entities. For the first time in the 3-year history of the event, students were provided the opportunity to participate, with approximately 6 students participating.

-The Mercy College Food Pantry had it’s Grand Opening on Wednesday, October 23. The occasion was marked by a blessing to kick-off the new resource available to our students in need.

-The Diversity & Inclusion Committee held its first meeting of the semester on Thursday, September 26. The current Diversity Statement and Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan were identified as the main items of focus. The Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan will be presented at the June 2020 Board of Trustees meeting.

-The Student Government Association (SGA) has its monthly meetings scheduled every Monday at 5:15 PM, in the SGA suite, located on the 2nd floor Madison. Guest speakers this year have been Dr. Sue Wajert, Kristen Porter, Dr. Trevor Bates, and Marc Adkins.

-The annual Halloween Howl was held Tuesday, October 29 at the College.
-There will be a Thanksgiving Mass scheduled for Thursday, November 21, at 12:15 PM, in the Chapel.
-The Co-Curricular Assessment Committee (CAC) had its inaugural meeting on Wednesday, October 17. The committee defined “co-curricular” and what that means at Mercy College. This will guide the committee in their progress.
- The fall SOAR sessions will commence on Thursday, November 21, 2-7 PM, on the 3rd floor Jefferson.
-A College Name Change Task Force has been formed on a directive from the college board of trustees. The purpose of the task force is to explore the process, specifically cost, of changing the college name to better reflect who we are. Marc Adkins and Andrea Fleming are co-facilitating the task force and will provide a report out at the November 12 board of trustees meeting.
-A College Mascot Task Force has been formed to address the implementation the “Blue Healer” mascot for the college. The focus will be three-fold. First, to identify multiple mark-ups to be used for marketing and advertising. Second, once mark-ups have been identified SGA will coordinate a “name the mascot” contest. Last, SGA has voted to purchase a new mascot costume that better reflects a “Blue Healer.”
-The Annual Security Reports (ASR) were posted on the college website, and sent out to the campus community, on Tuesday, October 1. These reports addressed the Toledo campus and the Youngstown location. The reports include crime statistics for adjacent campus property, as well as safety and security initiatives.

If you have questions or comments regarding the information presented, or the Division of Student Affairs, please do not hesitate to contact Marc Adkins, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Thank you!

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu

Interprofessional Simulation

Submitted by Dawn Borgerson

We will be performing an interprofessional simulation with nursing students, EMT students, paramedic students and emergency medicine residents on Tuesday, November 12 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The simulation will take place on the 3rd floor of Jefferson near the base of the ramp, hallways surrounding the nursing skills lab and multiple classrooms that have been reserved in that vicinity. These areas will have high traffic patterns throughout the day, please be aware that you will also encounter actors with mock injuries being transported as part of the simulation.

This interprofessional simulation places emphasis on roles/responsibilities, effective communication, interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork in a disaster situation. Students will use critical thinking, prioritization, and delegation to balance the flux of incoming patients during a code yellow. Key concepts include disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation with mass casualty incidents.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dawn Borgerson MSN, RN, CCRP at 419-251-1305.

Its that time of year again...

Submitted by Angela Nowak

In appreciation for all your hard work, Thanksgiving turkeys will be distributed to all of our associates. Your leader will have a card for you to retrieve your turkey. Pick up dates are Tuesday, November 19, 3-5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, November 20, 4-5:30 p.m. They will be distributed on the Jefferson Street, main entrance, in the loop. If you have any questions, contact Angela Nowak 419-251-4661.

Depression Awareness

Submitted by Suzanne Hall

Depression is one of the most common reasons that college students pursue counseling. As we move closer to the end of the semester and the increased stress of finals, combined with the upcoming holiday season and winter months, it is important to be aware of depression symptoms and to be intentional about incorporating healthy coping strategies into our lives. Symptoms of depression can include changes in sleeping and eating habits, loss of interest in activities, feelings of hopelessness, poor concentration and increased physical pain.

Mercy’s Counseling and Wellness Services reminds students that we offer free, confidential counseling services for depression, as well as other issues. Requests for counseling appointments can be made online. Watch for more information about upcoming free, confidential mood screenings events on campus during the month of November.

Community Engagement Update - November 2019

Submitted by Annie Devine

Looking to get involved with your community? Interested in Volunteering? Have Service Learning requirements? View the Community Engagement Update for November. You can now SUBSCRIBE to this update by completing the "Stay Engaged" form on the Service Learning webpage.

If you have a volunteer opportunity that you’d like to see included in the monthly Community Engagement Update, please contact Annie Devine, Director of Campus Ministry & Service Learning, at or 419-251-1866 or complete the Volunteer Request Form.

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above

Interprofessional Simulation - see above

Depression Awareness - see above

Community Engagement Update - November 2019 - see above

Youngstown Nursing Faculty, Staff, & Student Socktober Day!
submitted by Annette Hinrichs

Socktober: Students competed in a "crazy sock" competition on October 26, 2019. To compete, students brought donations of new socks, underwear, undershirts and monetary donations for The Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley. The winners were chosen by the Mission Ambassador & received Mercy Swag! We collected five huge bags of items that are much needed for our community! View event images.


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