
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

May 28, 2019

What's Happening in Student Affairs - May 2019

-DASH Emergency Grant – To date, assisted 145 students with over $148,000 in funds.
-Pathways for Success – collaborating with Mercy Foundation to identify donor(s) or grant-funding to increase award amount and students served.
-Maxient - confidential record-keeping/sharing software – implementation scheduled for September 2019.
-Smarthinking - 24/7 online tutoring software, available for all Mercy College undergraduate and graduate students.
-Retention software – looking to purchase later this summer. For additional information, please see Kristen Porter.
-SOAR Leadership for 2019-2020 – Hailey Beis, Gillian Bradley, Sierra Davis, and Sydney Roscoe. Training was conducted on May 13.
-SGA Leadership for 2019-2020 – Amanda Hohlfelder – President, Kelsey Sullivan – Vice President, Brandon Hoobler – Director of Finance, and Matt Norris – Director of Communication. Meetings will be held bi-weekly, on
Mondays at 5:15 p.m., starting September 9.
-Hoffman Ambassadors and Leaders Scholars Program applications deadline – August 1!


-The Youngstown location has scheduled their SOAR dates for the spring and summer: All dates are Fridays: June 14 & July 19.
-The Toledo campus has SOAR dates for June 10 (9 a.m. & 3 p.m.), June 11 (9 a.m.), June 12 (9 a.m. & 3 p.m.), June 13 (3 p.m.), Saturday, June 15 (9 a.m.). Please make sure your respective offices are appropriately staffed during the aforementioned days and hours, especially after, or non-traditional, hours.
-The 3rd Annual Alumni Weekend Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 21. More details to follow!
-The 3rd Annual Student Leader Retreat is scheduled for Friday, August 23 at The Pines in Fremont. For additional information please contact Deanna Vatan.
-Exploration of a Mercy Experience course/requirement in the initial discussion phase, as Academic Affairs and Student Affairs will begin a discussion in Summer 2019, updates to follow. Broader conversations will begin
Fall of 2019.

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu

Heart Walk 2019 - Thank you!

Submitted by Deanna Vatan

Many thanks to those who participated in and/or donated to the 2019 Mercy College Heart Walk team! Event participants included Joely Austin (5K Run), Noah Foster, Lori Haye (5K Run), Lisa Sancrant, Deanna Vatan, Melanie Vincent, and Lori Yarger (5K Run). We had a wonderful time representing the College while raising money for a great cause.

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above


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