
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

March 4, 2019

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu (PDF)

Last Week to Submit Textbook Adoptions for Summer and Fall 2019 Semesters - Due Friday, March 8, 2019

Submitted by Beverly Miller

Dear Faculty,

This is the last week to get your Summer and Fall 2019 semesters’ textbook adoptions submitted before the HEOA Textbook Provision compliance-monitoring deadline which is FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019.

A faculty textbook adoption form must be submitted for every course by this deadline. If you plan to forgo any textbooks for a course, you must complete the form and indicate that no textbook is required by clicking the “Submit with No Books Required” button.

The link to the adoption form is included below.
Username is: mercyoh
Password is: mercyoh

Please contact our Matthews Books representative, Ashley White at with any textbook questions and concerns and your division’s Administrative Specialist for assistance.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we comply with the HEOA.
Academic Affairs

Course Content and Copyright Compliance

Submitted by Deborah Johnson

Copyright law allows educators to use supplemental materials to enhance lessons. You can use journal articles, book chapters, and videos to share in the classroom or post in CANVAS.

Basically, copyright (due to the publishers who have challenged “fair use” in the courts) wants us to purchase materials we will use to educate our students, but it is impractical to require students to purchase everything faculty may want them to read. So, as long as students are required to buy a textbook for a course, copyright allows us to provide other materials that may be relevant to the lesson - as long as you don’t continue to use the same item semester after semester, and as long as you don’t use more than 10% of the content. If you want to continue to use an item or use more than 10% of it, then the item should be purchased by the instructor or by the Library.

The library staff is available to help you find the supplemental materials you want to share with your students. If you decide to make the supplemental material a regular part of the lesson, the Library can purchase the item. Call the Library at 419-251-1700 if you have questions.

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above


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