
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

March 2, 2020

Forensic Friday

News from President Sue Wajert

One more week until spring break! If you are off spring break week, please be safe and enjoy your time and get some rest and relaxation.

The College press release on Return on Investment (ROI) went out last week, and we received congratulations from several people. The ROI is a great marketing tool that can be used in the recruitment of students. Our students are educated in the faith-based tradition of the Mercy Values, and upon graduation, they receive competitive salaries to support themselves and their families, which helps to support our communities.

“Forensic” Friday was held on February 20, 2020, and we had a great turnout of students, parents and teachers. Congratulations go out to the entire team who participated. Wonderful work and lots of excitement surrounding the day. All three local news channels came to check out the day! See some images here.

Representative Bob Latta visited campus on Friday, February 20, 2020. Even with his busy schedule, he spent over an hour on campus. He was able to tour the skills lab and simulation center, the learning commons, and we spent time in the forensic Friday classrooms observing the faculty, staff, and participants. He asked to come back and visit another time so that he can see more of the College. He was very impressed by what he saw!

Our Commencement Speakers for spring graduation are Bob Baxter for Toledo, and Kathy Cook for Youngstown. Both biographies will appear in the respective commencement programs.

The Strategic Enrollment Council and the Strategic Planning Committees continue to meet on a regular basis. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the Strategic Enrollment activity. The ideas and suggestions are being compiled and will be shared by Dr. Bates and Lori Edgeworth.

Dawn LaBarbera and her team are preparing for a March 16, 2020 submission of the MPAS self-study to ARC-PA. Please wish them well when you see them as they are working diligently to meet the deadline.

I had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by the HRSA grants team for primary care. They are doing some amazing work and integrating technology into the overall program for data gathering. This group will be presenting at the March Board Meeting.

Have a safe spring break and let’s pray for safe journeys for all our faculty, staff, and students traveling and engaging in service.

Textbook Adoptions for Summer and Fall 2020 Coures are Due

Submitted by Beverly Miller

Dear Faculty,

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Textbook Provision compliance-monitoring deadline for Summer and Fall 2020 semesters is FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020.

A faculty textbook adoption form must be submitted for every course by this deadline. If you plan to forgo any textbooks for a course, you must complete the form and indicate that no textbook is required by clicking the “Submit with No Books Required” button.

The link to the adoption form is included below.

Username is: mercyoh

Password is: mercyoh

Please contact our Matthews Books representative, Ashley White at with any textbook questions and concerns and your division’s Administrative Specialist for assistance.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we comply with the HEOA.

Academic Affairs

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above


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