
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

March 11, 2019

What's new in Enrollment Management?

Science Friday (Sci Fri) rocked on Friday, February 22. We had 30 students and their parents that attended this fun, educational event to learn more about our Science Division and Biology Program! Those attending had a wonderful experience as evidenced by the evaluations of the program!

The deadline for scholarships for the 2019-20 academic year was Thursday, February 28. We received over 450 scholarship applications! A new record! The Scholarship Committee will be working in late March to award scholarship dollars to as many of these applicants as possible.

The Office of Admission continues to receive applications for the Summer and Fall semesters. We have over 200 more applicants for admission for Fall than we did at this time last year. Work will continue to get these applications completed and the students accepted, then enrolled at Mercy College.

The Admission Officers continue to visit Community Colleges, High Schools, Hospitals and host campus visits for prospective students and their guests.

Nurses Week is in May and Mercy College will be participating in Mercy Health Celebration of Nurses and offering scholarships. Please contact Mary Kay Meyer or Jessie Coombs for details on Nurses Week activities.

This is a quick highlight of the activities happening in Enrollment. If you have questions or desire more information please contact a member of the Enrollment Team!

Hope you had a great Spring Break!

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu (PDF)

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above


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