
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

June 18, 2024

Apply Now to Participate in the Toledo Market’s Got Talent Show

Submitted by Hannah Bohn

Toledos got talent talent wanted final

Entries are now open for the inaugural year of the Toledo Market’s Got Talent show. The event will take place on Aug. 8 at Fassett Junior High School (3025 Starr Ave., Oregon) from 6 to 8 p.m. It already promises to be an evening of excitement and fun.

We look forward to seeing a wide variety of talents so please be creative. We want to see you or your group’s talent.

Simply submit your application to perform by July 5 by scanning the QR code on the flyer. Then send a two-minute video of your talent to Applicants will be notified of their selection by July 19.

For more information, please email Robin Graham-Christman at

See you June 26 at Chipotle!

Submitted by Hannah Bohn

Chipotle fundraiser 6 26 24

Join us June 26 from 4-8 PM for a Chipotle Fundraiser (2924 Navarre Ave, Oregon). Order online for pickup using code XZMNJWP or show the flyer in the restaurant prior to check out. Mercy College will receive 25% of event sales.


Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.

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