
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

July 20, 2021

Enrollment News

The enrollment division welcomed admissions officer Miranda Gelb earlier this summer, who filled the position left vacant by Hannah Bohn. The Director of Collegiate and Community Partnerships position is currently going through the approval process. This is a new job description using the position left vacant by Mary Kay Meyer.

The team continues to work to achieve the enrollment goals for the fall semester. The consultation with Dr. Jeff Gates from Ruffalo Noel Levitz will be complete at the end of the summer and we will have their recommendations with plans for implementation. As a division, we continue to automate communications, efficiently ensuring prospective students hear from us regularly.

I would like to recognize the Financial Aid team who had 0 findings in the recent Veterans Affairs Audit.

In case you missed it, in the last week all of the local television news outlets and The Blade covered Mercy College's announcement of the Nursing Workforce Diversity grant we received. Information about the grant is here and 70 new, continuing and prospective students have already completed the information form.

I hope you are enjoying the summer.

Mercy College Applies for OBN Nurse Education Grant Program

Submitted by Hannah Bohn

Mercy College submitted a proposal for the Nurse Education Grant Program (NEGP), an Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) grant which awards funding to nurse education programs that partner with health care facilities to increase their nursing student enrollment capacity. If awarded, NEGP would allow Mercy College to hire 1 FTE Nurse Faculty and allow additional hours for a Clinical Simulation Assistant. This would allow for the AASN and BSNP programs to increase enrollment by 10% by Fall 2023. Those hoping to learn more about Mercy College’s proposal for the NEGP grant are welcome to contact Hannah Bohn- Coordinator of Alumni/Grants at

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu


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