February 3, 2020

News from President Sue Wajert
Dear Faculty and Staff:
Congratulations on a successful holiday collection both for our students and La Posada! This is a tribute to all of you as we live our Mercy Values in caring for others.
Congratulations to everyone in Bon Secours Mercy Health for an overall successful year in providing education, healthcare and service to our communities. As you have read, both the Incentive Shared Success (ISS) and the Retirement Shared Savings (RSS) will be awarded to all qualified employees in March.
The Strategic Planning and Budgeting Council continues to meet monthly and will be asking for your participation at an upcoming College Assembly as we move the plan into another year (2020-2024). The Strategic Enrollment Council will also be presenting at an upcoming Assembly, and they will be requesting your participation as this plan is moving toward completion. Thanks to everyone who serves on both of these Councils.
Bob Baxter, President of the Toledo Market, is scheduled to attend the February 17, 2020 College Assembly. If you have questions that you would like to submit prior to Assembly, please send them to Andrea Raftery, and we will get them to Bob.
Andrea Fleming and I presented to the Mercy Health Capital Committee, and we received approval for a sign on the Jefferson side of the building as well as other items that are programmatically-related. We will be reviewing the approved capital items at the next Strategic Planning and Budgeting Council.
Construction continues on the Learning Commons with final touches being completed throughout this semester. Tentatively, the plan is to host an open house at the beginning of fall semester.
The Physician Assistant Program hosted a successful ODHE site visit January 15-17, 2020. Once we hear from ODHE and the Chancellor, the process will move to the Higher Learning Commission for approval. Dr. LaBarbera and team are working to complete the self-study for a mid-March submission to ARC-PA with our visit scheduled for June 8-9, 2020. The College received approval to launch the PA website with “pending approvals” language. Congratulations go out to Dr. LaBarbera and team! And, also thanks to many others from the College and Mercy Health who are working on the PA Program!
The RN-MSN received approval from ODHE and the proposal is with the Higher Learning Commission awaiting their approval.
We continue to work on several other initiatives at the College. Many of these efforts focus on building partnerships with both academic and healthcare institutions.
As requested by the Ohio Department of Health through the Chancellor’s office, the College sent out a message regarding the Corona Virus. We will remain vigilant, and send out further information if necessary.
Thank you for all you do for the College to move us forward into the new decade. We are in both challenging and exciting times in higher education!!
Susan Wajert
President, Mercy College of Ohio
Mercy Café Menu
Survey of Student Satisfaction begins February 10
Submitted by Mary Bergs
You know it as the Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction survey. Students will see advertising "Take the survey."
Monday, February 10
An email will be sent to the student's mercycollege.edu email with an invitation to take the survey. They should get the email sometime before noon.
PLEASE ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO TAKE THE SURVEY. Personal contact is the best way to have a high response rate.
• Student Opinions matter! The College has made changes based on responses from past surveys.
• Incentives: EACH student who completes the survey will get a $5 Amazon gift card - emailed to students the week after the survey closes. Each student will also be entered in a drawing for a $500 gift card. The drawing will be from an email list that does not include survey results.
The survey will be open through Sunday, March 1.
A copy of the handout from the Faculty meeting Monday, January 17 is attached. Survey Handout Staff and Faculty 2020
It includes more detail and a "script" of what you might say - or post in an online class - for students.
Community Engagement Update - February 2020
Submitted by Annie Devine
Looking to get involved with service in your community? Interested in Volunteering? Have a placement for a Service Learning course? View the Community Engagement Update for February to learn about various community partners in need of volunteers. Includes opportunities in Northwest Ohio, Southeast Michigan and the Youngstown area.
You can SUBSCRIBE to this update by completing the "Stay Engaged" form on the Service Learning webpage (www.mercycollege.edu/service) and the Community Engagement Update will show up in your email inbox at the beginning of each month. Flyer: Mercy College Community Engagement Update Feb
Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College
Mercy Café Menu - see above
Community Engagement Update - February 2020 - see above
Career Development - Resume Lab
submitted by Kristen Porter
Need your resume looked at quickly and without an appointment? Never created a resume, but now need one? Stop by the Career Center’s Resume Lab in M3704! Flyer: Resume Lab Spring 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Location: M3704
You can grab a snack, speak with the Director and leave with a reviewed resume! Questions? Contact Kristen Porter, Director of Career, Professional Development and Retention at 419-251-1339 or kristen.porter@mercycollege.edu. Can’t make it to campus? Ask a question online - https://mercycollege.adobeconnect.com/sp20/
One Week Until the Survey Opens
submitted by Mary Bergs
Watch your mercycollege.edu email this week for an email from Dr. Wajert with more details about the survey. Monday, February 10 you will receive an email invitation (sometime before noon) to take a survey. Check your mercycollege.edu email and PLEASE CLICK the LINK FOR THE SURVEY. YOUR response is important to the College and your program.
Scholarship Deadline Reminder
submitted by Julie Leslie
Don't forget to submit your scholarship application by the February 28, 2020 deadline. All nursing students - please have clinical reference letters submitted to the financial aid office by the Friday, February 28 deadline. References can be submitted by email to financialaid@mercycollege.edu, faxed to 419-251-0969, or submitted by mail. If you have any questions please contact the financial aid office at 419-251-1219 or financialaid@mercycollege.edu.
Apply Now: http://www.mercycollege.edu/scholarships
2020-2021 FAFSA
submitted by Julie Leslie
This is a friendly reminder to submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the priority deadline of Sunday, March 1, 2020. You can submit the FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov. Mercy's school code is 030970-00. If you have any questions, please email (financialaid@mercycollege.edu) or call 419-251-1219 and we will be glad to assist you.
Last Chance to Apply for the Spring Break Service Immersion Trip to Chicago
submitted by Annie Devine
Applications are still being accepted for the Spring Break Service Immersion Trip! Journey with us to Chicago, IL from March 7-11, 2020 to explore what it means to be the Mercy difference. Spend 5 days living simply in community, providing service to those in need, and reflecting on the causes of poverty and injustice as well as the deeper meaning of service. This opportunity is available for students at the Toledo campus and the Youngstown location.
Additional details about the Service Immersion Trip can be found at www.mercycollege.edu/service.
COST: $150 (includes transportation, meals, and housing)
HOW TO APPLY: Complete an online application.
DEADLINE: Applications are due MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 along with a $50 deposit.
QUESTIONS? Contact Annie Devine at 419-251-1866 or annie.devine@mercycollege.edu.
Send a message to the Mercy College President using this link.
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