
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

August 5, 2019

I hope you are enjoying the summer. The next several weeks will be busy as we prepare for the start of the fall 2019 semester!

As a reminder – Professional Development Days will be held on Wednesday, August 21 and Thursday, August 22, at the Toledo Zoo Malawi Center from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Hayley Hanson and Dr. Linnea Stenson will be joining us as guest presenters. Looking forward to seeing all of you!

The dual degree program with BGSU is beginning this fall (2019) with Shelli Drossel teaching several sections of the first nursing course being offered on the campus of BGSU. There are also a few students, who we are calling “pioneers,” that are entering the dual degree program and ready for the nursing courses at Mercy College this August! Working groups from both Mercy College and BGSU are meeting to ensure a smooth transition for students.

The Physician Assistant Program continues in development by Dr. Dawn LaBarbera. A space on the sixth floor Madison has been identified for the program, and it is currently being renovated. Additional space on the fourth floor Madison will also be used for the PA program. Dawn is busy with recruiting and selecting her team, as well as working with Mercy Health to recruit preceptors for the program.

The Learning Commons project has been approved and construction on the sixth floor Jefferson will begin soon.

Mercy College of Ohio is adopting the mascot of Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia. The college recently merged with Radford University, and Jeff the Blue Healer was going to be retired. The mascot uniform has arrived, and we will keep you informed as we work to name the Mercy mascot.

We have also finalized a dual degree program agreement with Tiffin University. The first nursing course at Tiffin will be taught in fall 2020! More details to come on this exciting new partnership.

Preparations for the Higher Learning Commission site visit continue, and each of you should be proud of the accomplishments that have occurred because of your dedication and commitment to providing a high-quality education for our students. Mercy College is a place where students want to come and get their education in biology, the health sciences or a healthcare profession!

See you soon!

Sue Wajert

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu

Items Sent to Students via Inside Mercy College

Mercy Café Menu - see above


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