
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

August 23, 2022

Mercy Café Menu

Submitted by Steve Joyce

Mercy Café Menu

Empower Me! Menu Standardization

Submitted by Jeff Metzger

In an effort to improve the consistency and utility of the Empower Me! website, the menus for instructors, program directors, and advisors will be reorganized and standardized on August 29. No menu items will be removed, but they may be relocated and some new items will be added. The top-level menu headings will also undergo minor changes for naming consistency and the menu structure will be flattened to reduce the number of clicks required to traverse the submenus. The accompanying document details the new structure. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

One Stop Shop

IMG 0273

Mercy College's first one-stop shop where prospective nursing students could bring transcripts and be conditionally admitted, and interview for a position at Mercy Health was a success. Approximately 20 prospective students attended, and five were accepted and received employment offers. Just a few of the many employees who came and helped with the August 20 event are pictured above. College employees who attended have ideas on how to build and improve future events like this, providing more convenient opportunities for prospective students


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