
Faculty & Staff Newsletter

April 9, 2024

Campus Culture Employee Survey Live Now!

Submitted by Stacey Brown

Employee survey qr code

ODHE asks each Ohio campus to administer an annual employee survey. Please note that all survey responses will remain completely anonymous. The data from these surveys is used to track trends and identify progress on sexual misconduct prevention efforts.

The survey will remain open until April 19, 2024. At the end of each week of the survey, one winner will be selected from the respondents so far to receive a $50 Amazon gift card. **Mercy College Blue Healers 40 oz Stainless Steel Mugs were given out each day of the first week of the survey (April 1-5).

The ODHE requires respondents be at least 18 years old to complete the survey. If you have any questions, please contact Stacey Brown, Director of Compliance & Risk Management/Title IX Coordinator at (419) 251-1710 or OR Betsy Cardwell, Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Clinical Compliance Coordinator at

Click here to begin the survey
OR follow the QR code above.

Thank you for your efforts to help us collect and analyze this data to guide us in our training, prevention, and services going forward!

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Submitted by Stacey Brown

Denim day image

April is the month designated nationwide as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The Office of Counseling & Wellness, in conjunction with the Office of Compliance & Risk Management, hosts a month of events throughout April in to aid in the goal of SAAM, which is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it.

Teal Tuesdays: Wear Teal on Tuesdays during the month of April to show your support for survivors of sexual violence

Week of April 15: The Clothesline Project (look for more information from the Office of Counseling & Wellness on how you can contribute to this project)

April 24: Denim Day - This is a national day of action and awareness in which people are encouraged to wear denim to combat victim blaming and educate others about sexual violence. See more about the story of Denim Day here:

Reminder: April Marketplace Sale

Submitted by April Marketplace Sale

April marketplace sale

$8.00 Off Tye Dye Hoodies

Reminder: Nutman Sale!

Submitted by Hannah Bohn

Nutman sale

See flyer- Proceeds benefit student scholarships!


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